Trofeebuffeljag: Bepalings en voorwaardes

Alle verkope en aankope vanaf 1 Maart tot 31 Julie van die onderstaande kommoditeite is geldig en sal in aanmerking kom vir die kompetisie. Kaartjienommers sal vir die volgende aankope en verkope uitgereik word: 100 ton mielies en sorghum. 50 ton soja, sonneblom en koring. Vrag (3-as of interlink) suikerbone, sojameel, sonneblommeel, volvet, katoenmeel, soja-olie, […]
Growth And Development

Maize is the most important grain crop in South Africa and is produced throughout the country under diverse environments. Successful maize production depends on the correct application of production inputs that will sustain the environment as well as agricultural production. These inputs are, inter alia, adapted cultivars, plant population, soil tillage, fertilisation, weed, insect and […]